
This chapter gives an overview of the Tokio stack. I'll assume that you understand what futures are and how they work. If not, I recommend reading this excellent blog post.

Disclaimer: Async IO and event loops are complex topics that I don't pretend to understand. I just know some basic concepts that I'll try to explain in my own words. Here is the thing: you don't need to understand these topics to use Tokio, and that what makes it awesome.


Let's start with the main piece of Tokio: tokio-core. tokio-core provides two things:

  • a tokio_core::net module that provides TCP/UDP utilities. These utilities are intended to be similar to the std::net ones, but they are designed to be asynchronous: they are not blocking. For instance, std::net::TcpStream::connect blocks until the connection is established (or fails to be established) and the outcome is returned, whereas tokio_core::net::TcpStream::connect immediately returns a future that can be polled until it finishes.

  • a Core (aka "reactor" or "event loop") which runs futures. We can already run futures with threads (via std::thread::spawn or pools of threads (via futures_cpupool), so why use an event loop instead?

    • Threads are expensive when there are many of them, due to context switches. You don't want to spawn thousands of threads, especially for IO extensive work, since most of them are going to spend most of their time waiting anyway.
    • Efficiently managing multiple threads is hard. Tokio's event loop handles this for us. I don't need to know how many threads there are, or which ones should be parked or unparked.

tokio-io, tokio-proto, and tokio-service

tokio-core is quite minimalistic, but tokio also provides a few crates that make it easy to implement some common services, such as client and servers for request/response based protocols.

  • tokio-io contains traits and types to work asynchronously with streams of bytes.
  • tokio-proto implements some logic that is common to many protocols request/response based protocols.
  • tokio-service provides a Service trait implements how a request is handled.

Here is an illustration of how these crates are used together to implement a server:

tokio server stack illustration

The server receives a stream of bytes from a socket. A Codec reads this stream and decode meaningful messages. These messages are then passed to the Protocol, which forwards the requests to the Service. The Protocol is kind of a black box, but we can imagine that for multiplexed protocols (ie protocol for which requests have an ID), it keeps track of the IDs and makes sure responses are sent with the ID of the request they correspond to. The Service handles the request and returns a response, which is in turn handled by the Protocol, which passes it to the Codec that sends it.

The stack is quite similar for a client:

tokio client stack illustration